Licensing Course
Information about the Licensing Course
Per svolgere il suo compito ecumenico, la chiesa ha bisogno di un buon numero di esperti in questa materia: ministri ordinati, religiosi, laici, uomini e donne. (Giovanni Paolo II)
The Academic calendar offers over the class schedule can pin in propira personal agenda the various initiatives that the Institute promotes the year.
Il piano di studi prevede quattro ambiti:
The Convent library, whose origin date back to the XIII century, after several hardships is now a provincial library and support the Institute of Ecumenic Studies. The Library has a vast book holdings consisting of an old archive made up of about 30.000 books and a modern one made up of about 80.000. In addition, the library has the magazine section counting 665 newpapers (363 current, 302 stopped).